Important's of nitrogen inflation: Compressed air vs Nitrogen, Which is best for a tire

The invention of the pneumatic tyre changed the overall riding experience of the vehicle. It helps to provide a smooth, comfortable ride in any terrain. So it is important to maintain its good condition for a safe and comfortable drive.

If failure to take proper maintenance of the tyre will adversely affect the milage, riding comfort, engine performance and also the life of the tyre.

What is tyre inflation?

Every vehicle manufacturer recommends a specific tyre pressure for each of their vehicle, this is known as recommended inflation.


If the tyre pressure is below the recommended level, it is called under-inflation and if the tyre pressure is above the recommended level, which is called over-inflation.

The under-inflation and the lower inflation are not good for a tyre and also the vehicle. So it is better to fill the air as the vehicle manufacturer recommends.

Generally, nitrogen or compressed air is used to fill the tyre. Out of these which one is best for a tyre?

Nitrogen or compressed air

Generally, the aeroplane tyre uses nitrogen gas for inflation. Why is natural air does not use here?

An aeroplane moves through different temperature and pressure regions. Although landing time, there creates high pressure.

Not only in aeroplanes, but nitrogen is also widely used in race cars, off-road vehicles, military vehicles etc.

Up to 80% of the compressed air contains nitrogen, then why nitrogen? 

Except for nitrogen, the rest of the contents in compressed air create problems with the tyre and the tyre material.

Except for nitrogen, the rest of the contents are oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and some inert gasses.

let's find out how these elements create problems for the tyre.

 ✓ Oxidation: The presence of oxygen causes oxidation of the tyre material. It reduces the life and performance of the tyre.

It is not possible in the case of nitrogen inflation. Nitrogen is an inert gas, So there is no possibility of a chemical reaction.

 ✓ Corrosion: The water vapour creates some problems for the tyre. It will damage the tyre rim in the form of corrosion. The water vapour also destroys the rubber material. 

 ✓ Varying tire pressure: If the tire is filled with compressed air, the tire pressure will increase with the temperature increase. It will lead to a tyre blowout.

And also because of this, there is a chance of pressure variation inside the tyre the long term usage. So need to fill the air at a particular interval.

But in nitrogen inflation, the temperature variations do not affect the pressure inside the tyre. We know, nitrogen is an inert gas, So there is no room for any chemical reactions inside the tyre. 

It is a good advantage for tyres while filling with nitrogen. It will allow for maintaining a stable pressure level inside the tyre.


Compared to normal air, it is less likely to migrate through tyre rubber. This will allow the tyre pressure remains more stable over the long term.

Nitrogen filling is the best choice for a tyre. It is essential for the vehicles that are used for military, racing and off-road. But for normal daily use, nitrogen is not an essential one. If willing to do the proper maintenance at particular intervals, normal air is enough.

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